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Message: Re: "reversing tactics to decelerate momentum"

Kayak....I don't know whether you've read my last post, but if you have I think you'll see that I'm not turning a blind eye to the risks here....my eyes are wide open.

I took a course in psych at university so I know a bit about what you're talking about.....confirmation bias is part of human nature. After spening weeks or months researching the purchase of a new car, and then finally reaching a decision and making a buy....the typical individual suddenly starts noticing how many other, say Dodge Caravans, are on the road.

Either conciously or subconsiously the buyer of the Caravan is seeking out confirmation of his buying decision....I use Caravan as an example because that was the last new vehicle I bought in the summer of 2014.

Its natural to seek out those who share one's point of view. Its almost like religion....heck, not almost...it is like religion. If you're an Evangelical who believes in Biblical literalism you're not going to join a liberal church with a transgender pastor. In terms of stocks, if you hate speculative biotech stocks you're not going to invest in one.

To extend the religious metaphor a bit futher....there are some who will rail against the evils of this church or that faith....some people think Catholics are evil and others say JW's are members of a cult...and they'll spend time and energy to convince others they're right. I've never done it with religion, but I have with certain stocks.....Adzone Research was one years ago, a so called cyber security firm that was going to track bad guys on the internet and got pumped from a nickel to up around $5....or more recently with Ziopharm.

Basically what I'm saying is I have no issue with you or anyone else pointing out, even high lighting the risk factors here. The risk factors are very real and could potentially lead to investors losing some or all of the $$$ they've invested here.

The only time I take exception is when I see comments that are designed to denigrate an individual, as happens so often on SH.

Someone doesn't like my stock....or my religion? Hey...no worries, let's discuss it in a mature and reasonable fashion...and ultimately if I decide to keep my $$$ invested, that shouldn't annoy anyone, anymore than if I decide to keep attending the church of my choice...United by the way :-)

On a side note, I like the title of that behavioural book....How not to be your own worst enemy, I'm going to pick up a copy. Thanks, I'm always looking to expand my knowledge base and I expect to never stop.

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