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Message: Re: Apabetalone......a Calculated Risk

BDZ, thanks for the clarification on the safety factor.  I was indeed reading too much into that and what you say makes sense.  Good to know.  I suppose if we ever get to the point where we are seeing constant commercials on TV for apabetalone, albeit with a few requisite disclaimers for potential risks, then we will have done well.

One other thing I wanted to mention was the potential impact, if any, of the current politics in the US surrounding the push for lowering the price of prescription drugs. That may play well to the electorate as a campaign issue, and be easier said than done to actually implement, but it is out there as an issue nonetheless. Could that be a real risk in terms of drug valuations as a whole or is this just something that gets attention during every election cycle and nothing really comes of it.  Who knows?


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