One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Let's see if we can break $2 today...

Sep 10, 2012 06:44PM

Sep 11, 2012 09:18PM

Sep 13, 2012 02:38PM

Qwerty, the presidential outcome and resultant ramifactions it may have on the capital gains %, will of course only concern those stockholders WHO ARE SHOWING A PROFIT! (which we all do hope that the DA is signed soon and the stock performs as predicted). I feel that at current levels,most shareholders are sitting on a loss and unless the stock appreciates substantially before 12/31/12 (which I hope it does) the only tax selling taking place may be the taking of losses , but that could be fatal in that the "Wash Sale" rule applies and one would have to sit on the sidelines (slow torture) and wait 30 days to buy back in(in order to make the loss legitimate).If the stock continues it's run-up during that 30 day wait, you'll die!------This time not leaving on my usual positive note,-----BILL

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