One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Let's see if we can break $2 today...

Sep 10, 2012 06:44PM

Sep 11, 2012 09:18PM

Sep 13, 2012 02:38PM

Your communication was going along great: reasoned arguments etc. But you can't resist education making judgements ie that by not leaning up my writing I show a lack of caring , Fact I don't know how do spell check etc on this link. I can't control the readers state of mind or emotions: I make a good faith effort to make my point. How bad is it maybe a c if graded. Come on this is not the Magna Carta we're writing.

I am dissapointed that you contradicted yourself regard asperdions: my education and success in life. You literally took a page from Edison's play book lableing as rants my message . You're the guy who retorted at the time that we should stay away from insults and were/are and advocate adult communication. ( yes you may stoop to take a shot, th at me and say my writing is not adult ) I mesn no insult by my level of proof reading.

I'm simply a guy who is retired , who wrote as part of my career.I had the creative role in conceptualizing and the luxtury of a proof reader and editor. The least I can do is implement any instructions you have reagarding the proof readin features of this board.

We are not going to agree politically , I think your position would be contrary to Warren Buffet who does advocate for limiting his income. His ststaement that it's wromg that he pays less taxes than his secretary.

How about we move to a topic apprapro to this board. Stock splits and what you think are the implications for OMAG. You have to admit I have a pretty decent vocabulary. Just get me the instructions for proofing. Would you please put out a message on splits.

ps if you have to say you guess you owe me an apology , thats half assed. We're not perfect ( I obviously give myself a lot of leaway) . Do what you are comfortable with.(ending with a preposition how gross) too much personal content . I'm taking myself too seriously. Thanks , Al

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