Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: If and when a shareholder lawsuit is filed . . . careful everyone..medtech
Mar 07, 2014 08:34AM
Mar 07, 2014 08:58AM
Mar 07, 2014 10:01AM
Mar 07, 2014 10:35AM

I am hoping that everyone will get this out of their system by the end of next week and stop with the crap.

There will be some that will continue to support the BOD, I am not going to waste the effort trying to convince them they are wrong.

There are enough members here that know who we need to go after, just at minimum here... to pay the BOD salaries for what? ( that is a rhetorical question ).

They are the ones that have destroyed what could have been, everyone could have appreciated a ROI, I am into this for $50K, that is a lot of $$$ to me. I invested because of the potential, I took the risks that we would win throught the Patent Litigations and then obtain licenses that, well, I am inventor, so I think of Royalties (on-going income stream ) but it appeared that it was going to be lump sums. So that bothered me, but, never-the-less, it was income and the potential amount of infringers.

My concern is that, if we are going to persue a shareholder lawsuit, time is of the essence as we would probaly have some sympathetic ears right now as many things

are transparent because of the BK.

IF... DL is not forced to CH 7, he gets the creditors paid, we have the three DA's running PTSC and it will be the same ole... same ole..

Extra attention paid to DL, cripes, look at what he has done, he will just be smarter the next time and the DA's, do you think they will change their ways?, nonsense.

They need to be removed, which I do not think will happen, but, if I am going to lose $50K, well, I want them to lose something as well, instead of being able to continue as it was.

They MUST be punsihed for what they had done to the shareholders.

Ron, is an attorney, yet, he spends too much time responding to others, pride, ego?, dismiss that and spend the time researching what we shareholders can do, network with other attorney's and maybe come up with some options. We need that now, not bantering with others that disagree, none of that sh*t matters right now.

Laurie, she is on top of things, as well as Bassnosser, these are the peeps I find that are important right now, several others as well that have facts. We need to organize and if there was something that i could do to help in addition to my $500 support then tell me.

I want to help, not spend my time bitching here....


Mar 08, 2014 05:34AM
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